AI days HES-SO

The HES-SO AI-days are organised by the Swiss Artificial Intelligence Centre for SMEs (CSIA-PMEs), which is funded by the Engineering and Architecture Domain of HES-SO. The aim of the event is to provide a forum for discussing the practical use of new AI technologies in the economic fabric.
The event is public and open to all. It is primarily aimed at people involved in the management and strategy of one or more SMEs, to find out how they can benefit from advances in artificial intelligence in their activities. Companies and SMEs are warmly invited to take part in this event in order to :
* Establish links with HES-SO engineers and other companies working in the field of artificial intelligence.
* Explore various AI use cases through company presentations and applied research projects.
* Gain an in-depth understanding of the Swiss AI Center's activities and the benefits they can bring, in particular through the use of "AI vouchers" that make it easier to produce the first prototypes.